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What is Reiki?

​Reiki is the Japanese word for “Spiritual Life Force Energy”.  During a Reiki treatment, this Energy is channeled by the Reiki practitioner to the receiving client through a gentle laying on, or above, of hands.  This spiritual energy travels through the receiver's physical, emotional and energy bodies to balance and heal where healing is needed most.  Reiki works in harmony with all other kinds of treatment including medical and psychological care.  


Reiki is not a Religion. It is, however, based in Faith and Science.  This Life Force Energy comes from the Divine (sometimes called Higher Power, God, the Great Spirit, The Great Mystery, etc.) Reiki has electronic and magnetic fields that can be measured. More familiar names for Spiritual Life Force Energy are, Spirit (nature based traditions), Prana (Sanskrit), Qi or Chi (Chinese Medicine), or the Holy Spirit (Christianity). The term “Reiki” describes the same life giving, divine energy that permeates everything in the entire universe. It is accessible to everyone of all Faiths.


What Happens During a Reiki Circle?

“Circle” refers to the group of people who come together to share Reiki treatments.  We begin with a centering meditation during which intentions for healing are set and Spirit is called upon to guide our intuition and aid in our healing.  Participants then break into groups, taking turns giving and receiving Reiki treatments. Like in a private Reiki session, treatments take place either laying propped comfortably on the floor or on a massage table. Individuals who are not attuned to Reiki energy will be partnered with those who are attuned to achieve a proper balance among participants.  The person receiving the treatment explains to the person giving the treatment what her hope is for the session.  There is time after for debriefing. Finally, we will come together as a group for a balancing and grounding closing meditation.


How can a Reiki treatment help?
Reiki treatments have been shown to help alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety, it can help to ease emotional and energetic blocks held within the body to help release the pains of old traumas, both physical and emotional. Reiki can help to ease chronic pain associated with arthritis, old injuries and even cancer. All of this is achieved through giving yourself uninterrupted time to relax while receiving the warm, therapeutic, safe energy of Reiki.










Please click here to request more information or to schedule an appointment.  Please remember that financial assistance is available for all services.  Please ask for more information.

Reiki Treatments

​Single Session -----------------------------------------$45.00/hour*
6 Session Package -------------------------------------$250

Reiki Circle ------------------------------------------------$20

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